Our Comments on New Postnatal Care Guidelines from NICE

We recently commented on new postnatal care guidelines that are being developed by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). We read through many pages of evidence reviews and supporting documents and submitted extensive comments, which can be read below. You can join us in discussing the guidelines on Twitter.

Continue reading “Our Comments on New Postnatal Care Guidelines from NICE”

We Investigate New Claims About Breastfeeding and Child Behaviour

Our inbox went a bit crazy this morning with a link to this article in the Daily Mail reporting on this research paper and claiming ‘babies who were breastfed developed fewer behavioural problems when older’. So, we are going to dig a little deeper into the paper and give our perspective as parents… Continue reading “We Investigate New Claims About Breastfeeding and Child Behaviour”

Write to Your MP about the Costs of Formula Milk and Medical Foods in Case of a No-deal Brexit

Infant Feeding Alliance is concerned about the Government’s decision to include formula milk and medical foods in the list of products subject to significant import tariffs in the event of a no-deal Brexit. This could lead to cost rises on life-saving products and put pressure on parents’ budgets. Continue reading “Write to Your MP about the Costs of Formula Milk and Medical Foods in Case of a No-deal Brexit”

Our Response to a Government Inquiry into the Safety of Maternity Services

We responded to a recent call for evidence by the Health and Social Care Committee on the safety of maternity services in England. This is what we said: Continue reading “Our Response to a Government Inquiry into the Safety of Maternity Services”

Our Letter to RCOG about their Guidance on Infant Feeding and Covid-19

We wrote the following letter to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. We were responding to their published guidance on Covid-19, infant feeding and the postnatal period. Continue reading “Our Letter to RCOG about their Guidance on Infant Feeding and Covid-19”

The Curious Incident of the Press Release and the *Actual* Infant Feeding Research Paper

This article recently ran in the Daily Mail. It’s about a research paper from the University of Queensland, apparently asking why women don’t exclusively breastfeed despite recommendations. Quotes were taken from a press release issued by the university. Continue reading “The Curious Incident of the Press Release and the *Actual* Infant Feeding Research Paper”

Our Response to a Government Consultation on Preventative Healthcare

We responded to two questions in the recent government consultation Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s. The consultation sought the public’s views on government proposals to ‘tackle the causes of preventable ill health in England’. Continue reading “Our Response to a Government Consultation on Preventative Healthcare”

Let’s End Infant Feeding Shaming in ALL its Forms

The Dutch airline KLM made the headlines recently after a flight attendant asked a mother who was breastfeeding her baby to cover up for other passengers’ comfort. We were heartened to see that British airlines, including British Airways and Easy Jet, have much more progressive policies, clearly stating that breastfeeding is welcome on board their flights. Continue reading “Let’s End Infant Feeding Shaming in ALL its Forms”